HiPipe  0.7.0
C++17 data pipeline with Python bindings.

Package Manager

The easiest way to install HiPipe is via one of the supported package managers:

  • Arch linux: trizen -S hipipe

Support for other package managers is comming soon. If your system is not in the list, HiPipe has to be installed manually as described in the following sections.


Officially supported systems are Ubuntu 18.04+ and Arch Linux, although hipipe should work on any recent enough system. The hipipe core is a pure C++ library that by default depends on Boost C++ Libraries (v1.61+ with Boost::Python is required) and OpenCV for image conversion between C++ and Python. Python bindings and OpenCV support can be disabled, see Advanced Build Options section below.

If you plan to use the full functionality (this is the default behavior), install all the requirements by one of the following commands:

# Arch Linux
pacman -S git base-devel cmake boost opencv python python-numpy
# Ubuntu 18.04+
apt install git build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev libopencv-dev python3-dev python3-numpy

If you plan to use TensorFlow C++ API, please install the TensorFlow C++ library into your system using tensorflow_cc project. This is not neccessary if you only want to use TensorFlow in Python and it is disabled by default.


The complete source code can be downloaded from our official GitHub repository using the following commands:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/iterait/hipipe.git
cd hipipe

Build & Install

Use the following for system-wide installation:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
ctest --output-on-failure
sudo make install

Or use the following for userspace installation:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local ..
make -j4
ctest --output-on-failure
make install

For userspace installation, don't forget to set the appropriate environmental variables, e.g., add the following to your .bashrc / .zshrc:

# register ~/.local system hierarchy
export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH"
export LIBRARY_PATH="${HOME}/.local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${HOME}/.local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Advanced Build Options

There are multiple build options that can be set when configuring the project with CMake. For instance, if you don't want to build tests because it takes a lot of time, and you are also not interested in Python interoperability, you may use the BUILD_TEST and BUILD_PYTHON flags as follows:


The full list of supported options is the following:

Option Description Default
HIPIPE_BUILD_DOC Build documentation. OFF
HIPIPE_BUILD_PYTHON Build Python functionality. ON
HIPIPE_BUILD_TENSORFLOW Build TensorFlow functionality (unnecessary if you use TensorFlow in Python). OFF
HIPIPE_BUILTIN_RANGEV3 Install and use the built-in Range-v3 library. ON
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX The path where hipipe will be installed. OS-dependent
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER The compiler command to be used, e.g., g++ or clang++. OS-dependent


Are you missing a feature or have you found a bug? You can either fill an issue on our GitHub (https://github.com/iterait/hipipe) or even better, become a developer!

There are no special requirements for development, just a few hints:

  • Header files are under include/ directory.
  • Source files are under src/ directory.
  • Unit tests are under test/ directory.
  • Any new functionality has to be accompanied by unit tests.
  • If you add a new header, don't forget to add it to the corresponding accumulating header in parent folder. For instance, include/core/stream.hpp lists all the headers under include/core/stream directory.
  • If you add a new test, don't forget to register it in CMakeLists.txt located in the same folder as the test.
  • To build and run a single unit test, run e.g.,:
    make test.core.stream.drop
    ctest --output-on-failure -R test.core.stream.drop
  • To build and run a single test that requires building a Python module, run e.g.,:
    make test.core.python.stream.converter_py_cpp # note the py_cpp suffix
    ctest --output-on-failure -R test.core.python.stream.converter